The system is comprised of a collection of web
and workflow applications for the support of
business relationships and fulfillment of work
flow requirements of a transportation enterprise.
Customers and business partners are the cor-
nerstone relationships in contact with the sys-
tem. The primary objectives are;
Integration of the shipment workflow opera-
tions and data consumption requirements of
customers, business partners and related
internal resources.
The acquisition, processing and delivery of
business transaction document images that
are used in the day to day operation of the
The external interfaces of the system are based
upon commonly available mediums; web, inter-
net (e-mail and XML) and fax communications,
promoting global availability, efficiency and ease
of use.
Web Interfaces
The system employs web interfaces as a means
to interconnect customers and business part-
ners to the workflow of the commercial enter-
The web site provides access to the system for
shipment transaction search, display of informa-
tion, production of reports and source docu-
ments. Shipment workflow documents cap-
tured through the enterprises document imaging
system are integrated into the web interface
providing the necessary supportive information
and document image access in a seamless
single interface to the user.
The system provides for a central corporate
database repository which gleans shipment
data from the billing and administrative system
and the document imaging system into a cohe-
sive unit in support of the overall web and work-
flow system providing a top layer of all business
transacted and links to underlying workflow
The web site provides an easy to use and highly
available interface for customers to access their
accounts and review the status of shipments.
Customer sign on is provided via a customer
sign on screen using an account identifier or e-
mail address (User Identification) and a pass-
word. The customer is presented a window into
the overall system with appropriate functions in
support of their ability to search and view their
shipment workflow with the added ability to sort
the shipment results by various data criteria.
Customer’s account(s) are linked to their User
Identification within the system itself through a
system user maintenance application that is part
of the web and workflow system.
Shipments are presented in a list format with the
ability to drill down into a given shipment trans-
action in order to view general information and
links to transaction documents that are present
within the imaging system. The documents
displayed are generally, but not limited to, Proof
of Delivery (POD) and Bill of Lading (BOL) doc-
uments. Document classifications or types are
a definable component of the overall system.
Shipment Search
Shipment List Display with sort criteria
Shipment Delivery Status Information and
Pro-bill association
Bill of Lading (BOL) document association
Proof of Delivery (POD) Document, signa-
ture and delivery information
Cross referencing of information in the ad-
ministrative system
Business partners are separate business entities
performing value added services and delivery
terminal functions for the enterprise where the
enterprise cannot otherwise perform these func-
tions for themselves. Typically this occurs in
distant markets where a presence is required or
in cases where there is a specialization that the
enterprise does not posses. Irrespective of the
business reasons, the relationship dictates that
these parties have access to a deeper view of
the system and expanded document production
capabilities in support of their responsibilities
within the value chain.
Business partners sign on to the system via a
business partner sign on screen using an e-mail
address (User Identification) and a password.
The user is presented a window into the system
with appropriate functions in support of their
ability to search and view their shipment work
flow and the added capabilities commensurate
with their service performance requirements
within the overall enterprise.
Shipment Search
Shipment List Display with sort criteria
Shipment Delivery Status Information and
Pro-bill association
Bill of Lading (BOL) document association
Proof of Delivery (POD) Document, signa-
ture and delivery information
Cross referencing of information in the ad-
ministrative system
Trip Search (Shipment/Shipment Consolida-
Trip Detailed Printing (a.k.a. worksheet)
Trip Summary Printing (shipment list only)
Proof of delivery (POD) document printing
Proof of delivery (POD) document printing in
trip batch format
Access to the administrative components of
the system via the web for the update of
shipment information
Customer Service Representatives (CSR) are
staff which respond to customer service re-
quests and have access to the customer web
interface with an administrative User Identifica-
tion that allows them to view all account ship-