Originally developed to replace
a series of clocks that would
control access to assets and
bill for time
ECMS, can manage any number of amenities in
your facility, allows you to layout the units on the
screen or multiple screens as you see fit and
could only be easier to use if you didn’t need to
use it at all. The rental rate controls are in depth
and flexible allowing management to set rates
based on days of the week, time of day, cus-
tomer classification, type of rental unit or ameni-
ty (room, device, table, etc).
The entire rating system is automated allowing
for operators to book in and out transactions,
acquire new customers and deal with the nec-
essary parts of the business, leaving manage-
ment to set the tone for the business at the top
level. Even sundry item sales and inventory
items sales have a five level pricing scheme that
can be applied for management prescribed
pricing without operator intervention required.
The system has been designed with control for
the owner, peace of mind for the staff and sim-
plicity and speed to the customer.
Since many establishments offer a multitude of
services, we have provided for customer free-
dom within your facility by allowing customers to
move from one amenity to the next without
need of tally or cash/checkout, once they are
done they can get a final tally for their visit,
which can include movement from entertain-
ment, personal care/wellness, bar and restau-
rant or any other such service category you
have to offer or add to your mix.
The ability to offer a mix of entertainment and
personal professional services and amenities is
what makes the ECMS System a valuable in-
vestment for your enterprise. With the ability to
offer many diverse service options to your cus-
tomer in a single system.
By integrating all of your customers activities
into a comprehensive application you can effec-
tively grow your business, your customer’s con-
fidence and your enterprise through automation
with the intention of spouting new and more
robust service locations.
Allowing your customer to move freely within
your one or many establishments ensures that
the customer is on the channel you have pro-
grammed for them.
With management control and freedom as a
central design time goal, owners and their team
of managers can rest easy in the knowledge
that their plan for the business will be adhered
to by staff.
With features that support the low and high end
user, such as stop-after for children entering an
entertainment facility with a limited budget
where they can request that the establishment
turn off the lights or equipment after a certain
amount of money has been spent
Memberships and membership loyalty features
one would expect of a higher end establishment
such as a spa or beauty/wellness establish-
ment, our ECMS System is poised to take on
your new entertainment or personal professional
services establishment business challenges.
A feature rich system for a turn
key operation with the ability to
control power and access.
The ECMS System supports control of equip-
ment and amenities through the integration of
computer controlled power and lighting which
allows for the use of the facility to be controlled
by a computer interface that is integrated with
the billing and charge to the consumer. This
ensures that the customer is charged for their
use, can visually confirm this and also provides
management with the peace of mind required
for any business where owner and management
presence would otherwise be required on a full
time basis.
ECMS achieves this with support for three con-
trol technologies based on customer require-
ments and/or the dynamics of the entertainment
facility which is very important for pre-existing
facilities with an established infrastructure where
changes would prove cost prohibitive.
Programmable Logic Controllers such as the
IDEC PLC or MITSUBISHI PLC are supported
by the ECMS System where the power is direct-
ly wired to the device and a single unpowered
communications cable is connected to the
ECMS Computer Terminal which tells the PLC
what to do.
The IDEC PLC was supported for reduced cost
environments where the requirement was under
50 units with normal power consumption rates.
The MITSUBISHI PLC was supported for envi-
ronments that exceeded that specification and
cost was less significant an issue due to the size
of the establishment or the types of equipment
and amenities supported.